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Black Dye 2071
Black dye/pigment for microcement.
Blue Dye 2028
Blue dye/pigment for microcement.
Bonding Agent
Low-thickness adhesive waterproofing additive.
Long-lasting water-repellent protection for natural stones and bricks.
Cerbero Base
Water-based acrylic microcement sealer.
Cerbero Base Gel
Protective gel sealer for microcement.
Cerbero Sealer Kit
Transparent polyurethane sealer for microcement.
Quick-setting, fibre-reinforced, repair mortar.
Concrete floor degreaser.
Ercole Grey
Extra-strong decorative overlay (microcement)
Ercole White
Extra-strong decorative overlay (microcement)
Evercrete Pavishield
Concrete floor protection and curing.
Evercrete Vetrofluid
Permanent concrete anti-deterioration protection.
Everwood Bio Varnish
Biopolyurethane-based transparent varnish for wood.
Everwood Eco Sealer
Wood preservative and deep penetrating sealer
GiGi Sealer
Transparent polyurethane sealer for concrete and microcement.
Green Dye 2061
Green dye/pigment for microcement.
Retardant additive.
Self-levelling additive.
Microbond Finitura
Ultra-fine microcement topping.